The most important thing in tennis training

Honestly, If most coaches tell you they know “the secret to tennis,” they’re full of it.

There is no secret to tennis.

It’s HARD.

It takes years of practice to be really good at it.

However, if we’re talking about technique, then there IS something that can be considered the “most important thing,” and it’s something we call the “arm to body ratio.”

Where most players get it wrong is they use their arm to do a majority of the work, creating not only the spin and placement, but the majority of the power as well. We don’t want the ARM creating the power, we want the BODY creating the power. Yes, the arm is going to create some of it, but we only want the arm to be creating around 30% of the actual force behind the shot. Think of it this way; the body is used to create power, and the arm is used to create control. So, if you want to boil it down to an actual ratio, let’s go with 70/30; the force behind the shot should be 70% from the body, and 30% from the arm.

Using the Prostrap during a tennis training or tennis coaching session will help to improve this DRAMATICALLY. When using the Prostrap to strike the ball, you want your arm relaxed, and more focused on the tightness of the chord. This will allow your arm to do what it’s meant to do; control the ball with lift and spin. Let your body do the work.

Use the Prostrap with the magical ratio in mind, and you’ll see dramatic improvement in a short amount of time.


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